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Updated Editions
We currently have 62 books available in an updated edition, with more being added regularly. Our updated editions are our top recommendation for most visitors to this site. For more information about our editions, see here.
The New Creation Brought Forth
The New Creation Brought Forth
William SmithTruth in the
Inward Parts
Vol. III
The Work of God in the
Souls of Nine Early Quakers
Truth in the Inward Parts — Vol. III
CompilationsSelection from the Life of Thomas Ellwood
Selection from the Life of Thomas Ellwood
Thomas EllwoodThe Life of Elizabeth Ashbridge
The Life of Elizabeth Ashbridge
Elizabeth AshbridgeThe History of the Rise, Increase, and Progress of the Christian People Called QuakersVolume II
The History of the, Rise, Increase, and Progress of the Christian People Called Quakers
William SewelSelection from the Life of Patrick Livingston
Selection from the Life of Patrick Livingston
Patrick LivingstonSelection from the Life of William Lewis
Selection from the Life of William Lewis
William LewisSelection from the Journal and Writings of Ambrose Rigge
Selection from the Journal and Writings of Ambrose Rigge
Ambrose RiggeSelection from the Life of Francis Howgill
Selection from the Life of Francis Howgill
Francis HowgillSelection from the Life and Writings of William Bayly
Selection from the Life and Writings of William Bayly
William BaylySelection from the Journal of David Ferris
Selection from the Journal of David Ferris
David FerrisThe Life of Elizabeth Stirredge
The Life of Elizabeth Stirredge
Elizabeth StirredgeSowing Seeds
of Righteousness
Letters of Advice to
Children and Parents
Sowing Seeds of Righteousness
CompilationsTruth in the
Inward Parts
Vol. II
The Work of God in the
Souls of Nine Early Quakers
Truth in the Inward Parts — Vol. II
CompilationsSelection from the Life of Jane Pearson
Selection from the Life of Jane Pearson
Jane PearsonLife and Letters of Samuel Crisp
Life and Letters of Samuel Crisp
Samuel CrispSelection from the Life and Letters of Catherine Payton
Selection from the Life and Letters of Catherine Payton
Catherine PaytonSelection from the Journal of John Conran
Selection from the Journal of John Conran
John ConranSelection from the Journal of John Gratton
Selection from the Journal of John Gratton
John GrattonSelection from the Journal of Job Scott
Selection from the Journal of Job Scott
Job ScottThe Way of Life Revealed and the Way of Death Discovered
The Way of Life Revealed and the Way of Death Discovered
Charles MarshallSelection from the Journal of Charles Marshall
Selection from the Journal of Charles Marshall
Charles MarshallSelection from the Journal of George Whitehead
Selection from the Journal of George Whitehead
George WhiteheadSelection from the Journal of John Banks
Selection from the Journal of John Banks
John BanksSelection from the Journal of George Fox
Selection from the Journal of George Fox
George FoxCome Out
from Babylon
A Call to True Worship
Come Out from Babylon
John SpaldingPrimitive Christianity Revived
Primitive Christianity Revived
William PennLife of James Parnell - With Letters and Writings
Life of James Parnell - With Letters and Writings
James ParnellSelection from the Journal of Thomas Story
Selection from the Journal of Thomas Story
Thomas StorySelection from the Journal of Stephen Crisp
Selection from the Journal of Stephen Crisp
Stephen CrispConsiderations upon Recreation and Entertainment
Considerations upon Recreation and Entertainment
Robert BarclaySelection from the Life of Joseph Pike
Selection from the Life of Joseph Pike
Joseph PikeThe Original and Present State of Man
The Original and Present State of Man
Joseph PhippsSelection from the Journal of John Richardson
Selection from the Journal of John Richardson
John RichardsonSelection from the Journal of John Griffith
Selection from the Journal of John Griffith
John GriffithSelection from the Life of John Crook
Selection from the Life of John Crook
John CrookSelection from the Journal of John Burnyeat
Selection from the Journal of John Burnyeat
John BurnyeatThe Life and Experiences of Jane Pearson
The Life and Experiences of Jane Pearson
Jane PearsonThe Writings of Isaac Penington
The Writings of Isaac Penington — Vol. II
Isaac PeningtonThere is a Spirit Which I Feel
Selected Writings of
James Nayler
with a Short Biographical Sketch
There is a Spirit Which I Feel
James NaylerThe Writings of Isaac Penington
The Writings of Isaac Penington — Vol. I
Isaac PeningtonSome of the Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Declared
As they have been Revealed
by the Spirit through Faith
Some of the Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Declared
Francis HowgillSelection from the Life of Elizabeth Stirredge
Selection from the Life of Elizabeth Stirredge
Elizabeth StirredgeThe Work of Vital Religion in the Soul
The Work of Vital Religion in the Soul
Samuel RundellTruth in the
Inward Parts
Vol. I
The Work of God in the
Souls of Ten Early Quakers
Truth in the Inward Parts — Vol. I
CompilationsLooking for just a few hand-picked recommendations? Head on over to our getting started page!
Audio Books
We currently have 68 titles recorded as audiobooks.
Recently Added Books
A New Catechism
A short catechism, or series of questions and answers, written by William Smith in the year 1663, wherein many of the principal doctrines of Friends are opened and explained, and questions and objections are clearly answered.
A collection of short daily devotionals that are divided into 365 readings, each beginning with a quotation from Scripture, and followed by the deep and practical insights of a woman who was long acquainted with the work of Christ in the heart.
Memoirs of the Godly
A collection of twenty-three memoirs presenting brief accounts of the lives, sufferings, and peaceful deaths of many notable members of the early Society of Friends, such as William Leddra, who suffered martyrdom in Boston, John Audland and John Camm.
The New Creation Brought Forth
A treatise describing the true condition of man in his fall and separation from God, and the means by which he is convinced, converted, and regenerated by the light and life of Jesus Christ; also uncovering the work of the serpent in every stage of man’s restoration to the original “holy order of life.”
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Selection from the Journal and Writings of Ambrose Rigge
Selection from the Journal and Writings of Ambrose Rigge
Ambrose RiggeThe Journal and Writings of Ambrose Rigge
The Journal and Writings of Ambrose Rigge
Ambrose RiggeThe Life of Anne and Thomas Camm
The Life of Anne and Thomas Camm
Anne CammSelection from the Life and Letters of Catherine Payton
Selection from the Life and Letters of Catherine Payton
Catherine PaytonThe Life and Letters of Catherine Payton
The Life and Letters of Catherine Payton
Catherine PaytonLetter to a Backslidden Brother
Letter to a Backslidden Brother
Catherine PaytonThe Journal of Charles Marshall
The Journal of Charles Marshall
Charles MarshallThe Way of Life Revealed and the Way of Death Discovered
The Way of Life Revealed and the Way of Death Discovered
Charles MarshallSelection from the Journal of Charles Marshall
Selection from the Journal of Charles Marshall
Charles MarshallThe Journal of Daniel Wheeler
The Journal of Daniel Wheeler
Daniel WheelerThe Life and Letters of Deborah Bell
The Life and Letters of Deborah Bell
Deborah BellThe Life of Elizabeth Stirredge
The Life of Elizabeth Stirredge
Elizabeth StirredgeSelection from the Life of Elizabeth Stirredge
Selection from the Life of Elizabeth Stirredge
Elizabeth StirredgeSelection from the Life of Francis Howgill
Selection from the Life of Francis Howgill
Francis HowgillSome of the Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Declared
Some of the Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Declared
Francis HowgillSelection from the Journal of George Fox
Selection from the Journal of George Fox
George FoxThe Epistles of George Fox
The Epistles of George Fox — Vol. II
George FoxThe Great Mystery of the Great Whore
The Great Mystery of the Great Whore
George FoxThe Journal of George Whitehead
The Journal of George Whitehead
George WhiteheadSelection from the Journal of George Whitehead
Selection from the Journal of George Whitehead
George WhiteheadThe Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington
The Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington — Vol. I
Isaac PeningtonThe Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington
The Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington — Vol. IV
Isaac PeningtonThe Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington
The Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington — Vol. III
Isaac PeningtonThe Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington
The Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington — Vol. II
Isaac PeningtonThe Writings of Isaac Penington
The Writings of Isaac Penington — Vol. II
Isaac PeningtonThe Writings of Isaac Penington
The Writings of Isaac Penington — Vol. I
Isaac PeningtonThe Journal of James Dickinson
The Journal of James Dickinson
James DickinsonThere is a Spirit Which I Feel
There is a Spirit Which I Feel
James NaylerLife of James Parnell - With Letters and Writings
Life of James Parnell - With Letters and Writings
James ParnellSelection from the Life of Jane Pearson
Selection from the Life of Jane Pearson
Jane PearsonThe Life and Experiences of Jane Pearson
The Life and Experiences of Jane Pearson
Jane PearsonSelection from the Journal of John Banks
Selection from the Journal of John Banks
John BanksThe Journal and Epistles of John Banks
The Journal and Epistles of John Banks
John BanksThe Diary of Alexander Jaffray
The Diary of Alexander Jaffray
John BarclayThe Journal and Letters of John Barclay
The Journal and Letters of John Barclay
John BarclayThe Journal and Letters of John Burnyeat
The Journal and Letters of John Burnyeat
John BurnyeatSelection from the Journal of John Burnyeat
Selection from the Journal of John Burnyeat
John BurnyeatSelection from the Life of John Crook
Selection from the Life of John Crook
John CrookThe Life and Letters of John Fothergill
The Life and Letters of John Fothergill
John FothergillSelection from the Journal of John Gratton
Selection from the Journal of John Gratton
John GrattonSelection from the Journal of John Griffith
Selection from the Journal of John Griffith
John GriffithKendall’s Collection of Letters
Kendall’s Collection of Letters
John KendallThe Journal of John Richardson
The Journal of John Richardson
John RichardsonSelection from the Journal of John Richardson
Selection from the Journal of John Richardson
John RichardsonThe Convincement and Religious Progress of John Spalding
The Convincement and Religious Progress of John Spalding
John SpaldingThe Original and Present State of Man
The Original and Present State of Man
Joseph PhippsThe Lives and Persecutions of the Primitive Quakers
The Lives and Persecutions of the Primitive Quakers
Mary Ann KeltySelection from the Life of Patrick Livingston
Selection from the Life of Patrick Livingston
Patrick LivingstonLife and Letters of Samuel Crisp
Life and Letters of Samuel Crisp
Samuel CrispThe Life and Letters of Samuel Fothergill
The Life and Letters of Samuel Fothergill
Samuel FothergillThe Work of Vital Religion in the Soul
The Work of Vital Religion in the Soul
Samuel RundellThe Life and Letters of Sarah Grubb
The Life and Letters of Sarah Grubb
Sarah GrubbThe Life and Letters of Sarah Lynes Grubb
The Life and Letters of Sarah Lynes Grubb
Sarah Lynes GrubbComplete Works of Stephen Crisp
Complete Works of Stephen Crisp
Stephen CrispSelection from the Journal of Stephen Crisp
Selection from the Journal of Stephen Crisp
Stephen CrispA Short History of a Long Travel from Babylon to Bethel
A Short History of a Long Travel from Babylon to Bethel
Stephen CrispSelection from the Life of Thomas Ellwood
Selection from the Life of Thomas Ellwood
Thomas EllwoodSelection from the Journal of Thomas Story
Selection from the Journal of Thomas Story
Thomas StorySelection from the Life and Writings of William Bayly
Selection from the Life and Writings of William Bayly
William BaylyThe Letters of William Bennit
The Letters of William Bennit
William BennitThe Journal and Letters of William Caton
The Journal and Letters of William Caton
William CatonThe Life and Letters of William Dewsbury
The Life and Letters of William Dewsbury
William DewsburyThe Life and Letters of William and Alice Ellis
The Life and Letters of William and Alice Ellis
William EllisSelection from the Life of William Lewis
Selection from the Life of William Lewis
William LewisNo Cross, No Crown (Unabridged)
No Cross, No Crown (Unabridged)
William PennThe Rise and Progress of the People called Quakers
The Rise and Progress of the People called Quakers
William PennPrimitive Christianity Revived
Primitive Christianity Revived
William PennThe New Creation Brought Forth
The New Creation Brought Forth
William SmithTimeline
The books in our library were written over the course of approximately 200 years. Use the timeline picker below to view books from the time period of your choice.
No Cross, No Crown (Unabridged)
No Cross, No Crown (Unabridged)
William PennThe Rise and Progress of the People called Quakers
The Rise and Progress of the People called Quakers
William PennPrimitive Christianity Revived
Primitive Christianity Revived
William PennThe Life and Letters of William and Alice Ellis
The Life and Letters of William and Alice Ellis
William EllisLife and Letters of Samuel Crisp
Life and Letters of Samuel Crisp
Samuel CrispSelection from the Life of Thomas Ellwood
Selection from the Life of Thomas Ellwood
Thomas EllwoodSelection from the Journal of John Gratton
Selection from the Journal of John Gratton
John GrattonSelection from the Journal of John Banks
Selection from the Journal of John Banks
John BanksThe Journal and Epistles of John Banks
The Journal and Epistles of John Banks
John BanksThe Journal and Letters of John Burnyeat
The Journal and Letters of John Burnyeat
John BurnyeatThe Journal of William Edmundson
The Journal of William Edmundson
William EdmundsonThe Journal of Richard Davies
The Journal of Richard Davies
Richard DaviesThe Life of Elizabeth Stirredge
The Life of Elizabeth Stirredge
Elizabeth StirredgeSelection from the Journal and Writings of Ambrose Rigge
Selection from the Journal and Writings of Ambrose Rigge
Ambrose RiggeThe Journal and Writings of Ambrose Rigge
The Journal and Writings of Ambrose Rigge
Ambrose RiggeThe Life of Anne and Thomas Camm
The Life of Anne and Thomas Camm
Anne CammThe Journal of Charles Marshall
The Journal of Charles Marshall
Charles MarshallThe Way of Life Revealed and the Way of Death Discovered
The Way of Life Revealed and the Way of Death Discovered
Charles MarshallSelection from the Journal of Charles Marshall
Selection from the Journal of Charles Marshall
Charles MarshallSelection from the Life of Patrick Livingston
Selection from the Life of Patrick Livingston
Patrick LivingstonApology for the True Christian Divinity
Apology for the True Christian Divinity
Robert BarclayConsiderations upon Recreation and Entertainment
Considerations upon Recreation and Entertainment
Robert BarclaySelection from the Life of John Crook
Selection from the Life of John Crook
John CrookComplete Works of Stephen Crisp
Complete Works of Stephen Crisp
Stephen CrispSelection from the Journal of Stephen Crisp
Selection from the Journal of Stephen Crisp
Stephen CrispA Short History of a Long Travel from Babylon to Bethel
A Short History of a Long Travel from Babylon to Bethel
Stephen CrispSelection from the Journal of John Burnyeat
Selection from the Journal of John Burnyeat
John BurnyeatSelection from the Journal of George Fox
Selection from the Journal of George Fox
George FoxThe Epistles of George Fox
The Epistles of George Fox — Vol. II
George FoxThe Great Mystery of the Great Whore
The Great Mystery of the Great Whore
George FoxThe Life and Letters of William Dewsbury
The Life and Letters of William Dewsbury
William DewsburyThe Journal and Letters of William Caton
The Journal and Letters of William Caton
William CatonThe Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington
The Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington — Vol. I
Isaac PeningtonThe Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington
The Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington — Vol. IV
Isaac PeningtonThe Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington
The Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington — Vol. III
Isaac PeningtonThe Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington
The Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington — Vol. II
Isaac PeningtonThe Writings of Isaac Penington
The Writings of Isaac Penington — Vol. II
Isaac PeningtonThe Writings of Isaac Penington
The Writings of Isaac Penington — Vol. I
Isaac PeningtonSelection from the Life and Writings of William Bayly
Selection from the Life and Writings of William Bayly
William BaylyThe New Creation Brought Forth
The New Creation Brought Forth
William SmithSelection from the Life of Francis Howgill
Selection from the Life of Francis Howgill
Francis HowgillSome of the Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Declared
Some of the Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Declared
Francis HowgillLife of James Parnell - With Letters and Writings
Life of James Parnell - With Letters and Writings
James ParnellWe also have 60 books translated into Spanish! Switch to our Spanish site here.
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