Friends Library Publishing exists to freely share the writings of early members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), believing that no other collection of Christian writings more accurately communicates or powerfully illustrates the soul-transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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The History of the Rise, Increase, and Progress of the Christian People Called QuakersVolume II

Friends Library Publishing exists to freely share the writings of early members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), believing that no other collection of Christian writings more accurately communicates or powerfully illustrates the soul-transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Download this and other books for free at www.friendslibrary.com.
The History of the Rise, Increase, and Progress of the Christian People Called QuakersVolume II
The History of the, Rise, Increase, and Progress of the Christian People Called Quakers
by: William Sewel
William Sewel (1653-1720), being a Quaker himself, an honest and meticulous researcher, and an eye-witness to many of the events described in his writings, has long been considered the foremost authority on the early history of the Society of Friends. This lengthy but invaluable publication (first written in Dutch in 1717, and then translated by Sewel into English) tells the truly amazing story of a people who awoke from the lifeless and formal religion of their day, submitted whole-heartedly to the teachings of the Spirit of truth, and so returned to the original life, light, power, and purity of primitive Christianity.
- William Sewel
- updated Edition
- 6 x 9 x 1.2, 6 x 9 x 1.2 in
- 27 chapters
- 531 pages, 526 pages
- Language: English
- Spanish Version
- William Sewel
- updated Edition
- 6 x 9 x 1.2, 6 x 9 x 1.2 in
- 27 chapters
- 531 pages, 526 pages
- Language: English
- Spanish Version
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