Audio Books
We currently have 68 titles recorded as audiobooks.
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A short catechism, or series of questions and answers, written by William Smith in the year 1663, wherein many of the principal doctrines of Friends are opened and explained, and questions and objections are clearly answered.
ListenThis book contains the autobiographical accounts of nine men and women who experienced the transforming power of “Truth in the inward parts.” (Psalm 51:6)
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A New Catechism
William Smith
A short catechism, or series of questions and answers, written by William Smith in the year 1663, wherein many of the principal doctrines of Friends are opened and explained, and questions and objections are clearly answered.
ListenTruth in the Inward Parts — Vol. III
This book contains the autobiographical accounts of nine men and women who experienced the transforming power of “Truth in the inward parts.” (Psalm 51:6)
ListenThe New Creation Brought Forth
William Smith
A treatise describing the true condition of man in his fall and separation from God, and the means by which he is convinced, converted, and regenerated by the light and life of Jesus Christ; also uncovering the work of the serpent in every stage of man’s restoration to the original “holy order of life.”
ListenTruth Defended
A succinct but thorough explanation of the principles and practices of Friends in the 1600’s, written by Alexander Pyot, William Chandler, and Joseph Hodges on a wide variety of doctrinal subjects, in response to calumnies and accusations that were commonly leveled against the society by other professing of Christians.
ListenGuide to True Peace
A collection of excerpts from the writings of Francis Fenelon, Jeanne Guyon, and Michael de Molinos, edited and published in 1813 by William Backhouse and James Janson, members of the Society of Friends, with the intention of demonstrating how “true worship can be acceptably performed, and how inward, spiritual prayer can be rightly attained.”
ListenSelection from the Life of Thomas Ellwood
Thomas Ellwood
A selection from the life of Thomas Ellwood, relating his convincement of the truth through the ministry of Edward Burrough, his early submission to the teachings of the Spirit in the midst of suffering, and the great benefit received from his intimate friendship with Isaac and Mary Penington.
ListenKendall’s Collection of Letters
John Kendall
A compilation of letters composed by various members of the Society of Friends over the course of several decades; including a large collection of excerpts penned by Richard Shackleton, and many other worthy ministers, elders, and disciples of Christ.
ListenThe Life of Elizabeth Ashbridge
Elizabeth Ashbridge
A short autobiography of the life of Elizabeth Ashbridge, relating the mercy and loving-kindness of the Lord in rescuing her from a life of folly and misery, and so changing her heart that she at length became a faithful follower of Christ and a respected minister in the Society of Friends.
ListenMamma and Mary
Mary Ann Kelty
A collection of six dialogues between a mother and her young daughter, exposing the root and tendency of sin in the heart of man, and offering practical advice for parents on how to turn their children from self to the light of Christ.
ListenSelection from the Life of Patrick Livingston
Patrick Livingston
A selection from the writings of Patrick Livingston, an eminent minister in the early Society of Friends, containing an autobiographical account of his spiritual progress, and excerpts from several letters written from the prison in Aberdeen, Scotland.
ListenJournal of Ruth Follows
Ruth Follows
The journal and letters of Ruth Follows, a valuable minister in the Society of Friends, describing her travels and experiences in the ministry, and her constant concern for the preservation of a living church in the midst of an increasingly lukewarm generation.
ListenThe Life and Letters of Sarah Lynes Grubb
Sarah Lynes Grubb
A collection of the letters of Sarah Lynes Grubb, a faithful minister of the gospel at a time of great declension and backsliding in the Society of Friends; also containing an autobiographical address to her children written at several different periods of her life.
ListenSelection from the Life of William Lewis
William Lewis
A letter of William Lewis, giving an autobiographical account of his unhappy apostasy from the truth, his whole-hearted return to the faith, and his subsequent involvement as a member and minister in the Society of Friends; also containing two letters written later in life to young persons who had just begun their spiritual journey.
ListenSelection from the Journal and Writings of Ambrose Rigge
Ambrose Rigge
A selection from the Life of Ambrose Rigge, containing an autobiographical account of his life, ministry, and sufferings; and two of his publications dealing with the condition of man in his fallen state, and the inward and spiritual grace of God.
ListenSelection from the Life of Francis Howgill
Francis Howgill
A selection from the writings of Francis Howgill, containing an autobiographical account of his spiritual awakening in early life, a transcript of his trial when prosecuted for refusing to swear, and a precious letter written from prison to his oldest daughter Abigail.
ListenSelection from the Life and Writings of William Bayly
William Bayly
A selection from the Life and Writings of William Bayly, relating his experiences of the Lord from childhood and his convincement of the principles of the Society of Friends; also giving a powerful description of Cain’s worship (offered in the flesh), and the worship of the new birth, which is in Spirit and Truth.
ListenSelection from the Journal of David Ferris
David Ferris
A selection from the journal of the life David Ferris, recounting his remarkable convincement of Truth’s principles apart from any human instrumentality, his timidness in giving up to speak as a minister of the gospel, and his eventual growth and usefulness in the body of Christ.
ListenThe Journal of James Gough
James Gough
The journal of James Gough, relating his spiritual development, experiences in the ministry, and insightful commentary about the state of the Society of Friends; also containing a lengthy supplement to the journal compiled by his brother John Gough (the historian).
ListenThe Life of Alice Hayes
Alice Hayes
An autobiographical account of the life of Alice Hayes, in which she recounts her convincement of the truth and sufferings for the gospel, and offers counsel, encouragement, and words of deep spiritual experience for the benefit of others who will give up to walk in the same narrow path.
ListenThe Life of Elizabeth Stirredge
Elizabeth Stirredge
An autobiographical account of the life of Elizabeth Stirredge written for her children and grandchildren, relating her earnest pursuit of the knowledge of God, and her faithfulness to Him in difficulties caused by false brethren and bitter persecution.
ListenThe Journal of William Edmundson
William Edmundson
The journal, epistles, and papers of William Edmundson, giving an account of his convincement of the truth through the preaching of James Nayler, his trials and sufferings for the gospel in Ireland, and his extensive ministerial labors in America, the West Indies, and elsewhere.
ListenSowing Seeds of Righteousness
A collection of letters and treatises written by early members of the Society of Friends offering words of godly wisdom, counsel, and experience to both parents and children.
ListenThe Life and Letters of Rebecca Jones
Rebecca Jones
An account of the life, Christian experiences, and gospel labors of Rebecca Jones, containing an autobiographical portion, letters to friends and fellow-ministers, and journal entries kept during her travels in Europe in the work of the ministry.
ListenThe Life of Margaret Lucas
Margaret Lucas
An account of the life of Margaret Lucas, relating her convincement of the truth when young, the difficulties and painful trials she endured because of her faithfulness to Christ, and the great struggle she later met with for resisting the Lord’s call to be a minister in the Society of Friends.
ListenJournal of Hannah Gibbons
Hannah Gibbons
The journal, letters, and religious experiences of Hannah Gibbons, an unassuming but valuable minister in the Society of Friends, who travelled in the work of the ministry well into her eighties, and finished her race still “lively and green” in the ninety-seventh year of her age.
ListenThe Journal and Letters of Mary Dudley
Mary Dudley
A journal of the life of Mary Dudley, including a relation of her many services in the work of the gospel, extracts from her letters, and an account of the last illness and death of her daughter Hannah.
ListenThe Journal of Ann Branson
Ann Branson
The journal and letters of Ann Branson, a minister in the Society of Friends who faithfully adhered to the principles and practices of Truth in a time of great division and decadence.
ListenThe Way of Life Revealed and the Way of Death Discovered
Charles Marshall
The Way of Life Revealed and the Way of Death Discovered—Wherein is Declared Man’s Happy State Before the Fall, His Miserable State in the Fall, and the Way of Restoration Out of the Fall, Into the Image of God Again, In Which Man Was Before the Fall.
ListenTruth in the Inward Parts — Vol. II
This book contains the autobiographical accounts of nine men and women who experienced the transforming power of “Truth in the inward parts.” (Psalm 51:6)
ListenSelection from the Life of Jane Pearson
Jane Pearson
A selection from The Life and Experiences of Jane Pearson, giving and account of her early dedication to the Lord, her uncommon trials (both inward and outward), her labors as a minister in the Society of Friends, and her extraordinary religious experiences in later years.
ListenLife and Letters of Samuel Crisp
Samuel Crisp
Three valuable letters of Samuel Crisp, with extracts from his work entitled “A Vindication of the People Called Quakers,” to which is prefixed a short memoir of his life.
ListenSelection from the Life and Letters of Catherine Payton
Catherine Payton
A selection from the Life and Letters of Catherine Payton (1727-1794, also known by her married name, Catherine Phillips) containing a biographical narrative of her upbringing and early surrender to the Lord, along with four remarkable letters, written to individuals in a variety of spiritual conditions.
ListenSelection from the Journal of John Conran
John Conran
A selection from the Journal of John Conran, giving an account of his remarkable conversion from nominal Christianity, his powerful experiences of the Lord’s judgments mixed with mercy, and his travels and trials in the work of the ministry.
ListenSelection from the Journal of John Gratton
John Gratton
A selection from the journal of John Gratton, relating his long and ardent pursuit after real Christianity amongst the many sects and opinions of the day, and his eventual discovery and experience of Christ within, the Pearl of great price, and the only hope of glory.
ListenSelection from the Journal of Job Scott
Job Scott
A selection from the Journal of Job Scott, focusing on his early experiences of the Spirit of Truth when a child, his temptations and rebellion against the Lord’s convictions and corrections in the time of his adolescence, and his whole-hearted surrender to Christ when nineteen years of age.
ListenSelection from the Journal of George Fox
George Fox
George Fox (1624-1691) is generally considered the founder of the Society of Friends. This excerpt contains only the first three chapters of Fox’s journal, which focus on his early years, spiritual growth, and call to the ministry.
ListenSelection from the Journal of John Banks
John Banks
A selection from the Journal of John Banks, giving a relation of his early discovery of the truth, his call to the ministry, and his sufferings for the gospel; also containing a number of letters to his wife and children written from prison.
ListenWalk in the Spirit
Hugh Turford
A treatise by Hugh Turford first demonstrating the meaning and importance of Paul’s words to the Galatians, “Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh,” and then explaining the nature of grace, and how it saves from sin and effects man’s salvation.
ListenThere is a Spirit Which I Feel
James Nayler
A selection of some of the greatest writings of James Nayler, together with a short biographical sketch relating his early eminence in the Society of Friends, his fall (evinced in the Bristol incident), his open acknowledgement of error and sincere repentance, and his subsequent restoration to fellowship and usefulness in the body of Christ.
ListenSelection from the Journal of George Whitehead
George Whitehead
An excerpt from the Journal of George Whitehead, relating his honest pursuit of virtue and the true knowledge of God from his youth, the inward experience of the Lord’s sanctifying work in his heart, and the beginning of is ministerial labors, being sent out by the Lord to preach the gospel in the demonstration and power of the Spirit.
ListenThe Work of Vital Religion in the Soul
Samuel Rundell
A treatise containing valuable observations upon the commencement and progress of the work of grace in the soul, upon the true nature and performance of spiritual worship, and upon the baptism and supper that are essential to the new covenant.
ListenLife of James Parnell - With Letters and Writings
James Parnell
The Life and Writings of James Parnell, containing a narrative of his life, ministry, and sufferings, with extracts from his writings and epistles to the church, and an account of his imprisonment and death in Colchester Castle at the age of nineteen.
ListenA Short History of a Long Travel from Babylon to Bethel
Stephen Crisp
A short but instructive allegory by Stephen Crisp written to illustrate the perilous journey of the Christian soul from Babylon (the man-made city of religious confusion) to Bethel, the true dwelling place of God.
ListenMeditations and Experiences
William Shewen
A collection of writings by William Shewen, including his “Mediations and Experiences” concerning the right way to God, with treatises on several subjects, such as thoughts and imaginations, the nature of true Christian worship, and the life, state, and enjoyment of a true Christian.
ListenConsiderations upon Recreation and Entertainment
Robert Barclay
This publication is an extract from the fifteenth proposition of Robert Barclay’s “Apology for the True Christian Divinity,” showing how many common forms of entertainment and recreation war against the purpose of God for the immortal soul of man.
ListenThe Ancient Path
John Griffith
This treatise, written by John Griffith in 1762, contains insightful commentary and valuable counsel on the subjects of parenting, the new birth, the nature of true worship, true and false ministry, and the right understanding and practice of discipline in the Church.
ListenPrimitive Christianity Revived
William Penn
A combination of two separate publications by William Penn, one being his classic “Primitive Christianity Revived,” and the other, “A Brief Account of the Rise and Progress of the People Called Quakers,” which originally served as an introduction to the Journal of George Fox.
ListenSome of the Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Declared
Francis Howgill
A short treatise written by Francis Howgill, describing the nature of the Day of the Lord, the effect of its dawning in the heart, and the necessity of our perfect surrender to the discoveries of Truth as they come to be seen in the light.
ListenCome Out from Babylon
John Spalding
An epistle of John Spalding, addressed to family and friends attending St. Giles church, advancing several well-grounded reasons for leaving the Church of England and joining in fellowship with the Society of Friends.
ListenNo Cross, No Crown
William Penn
A classic treatise by William Penn, first written when a prisoner in the Tower of London in 1688; showing the nature, power, and experience of the daily cross of Christ, explaining what it is, how it is to be taken up, and the manner of its working in the true disciple of Christ.
ListenA Plain Pathway
Stephen Crisp
A treatise describing the nature of Christ’s appearance in the heart as a reprover for sin and transgression, and the necessity and benefit of submitting to His light and grace in order to be washed from within, and transformed into His likeness.
ListenSaved to the Uttermost
Robert Barclay
This book is a carefully modernized edition of propositions four through eight of Robert Barclay’s “Apology for the True Christian Divinity,” treating upon the fall, redemption, justification, and perfection of man.
ListenThe Original and Present State of Man
Joseph Phipps
The Original and Present State of Man, demonstrating the nature of man’s fall, the necessity, means, and manner of his restoration through the sacrifice of Christ, and the discernible operation of that Divine Spirit of grace and truth.
ListenSelection from the Journal of Thomas Story
Thomas Story
A selection from the journal of Thomas Story, giving an account of his dramatic awakening to the truth apart from any human agency, and his subsequent usefulness in the church as a minister of the gospel, being one in whom there was an unusual combination of child-like humility and extraordinary intellectual discernment.
ListenSelection from the Life of Elizabeth Stirredge
Elizabeth Stirredge
An excerpt from the Life of Elizabeth Stirredge written for her children and grandchildren, relating her earnest pursuit of the knowledge of God, and her faithfulness to Him in difficulties caused by false brethren and bitter persecution.
ListenSelection from the Journal of John Griffith
John Griffith
A selection from the journal of the life, travels, and labors in the work of the ministry of John Griffith, providing great insight into the nature of true Christianity, the work of the ministry, and the present condition of the church.
ListenSelection from the Journal of Stephen Crisp
Stephen Crisp
A selection from the journal of Stephen Crisp, giving an account of his strong desires after purity when young, his convincement of the truth through the ministry of James Parnell, and his subsequent ministry and fatherly oversight in the early Society of Friends.
ListenSelection from the Journal of Charles Marshall
Charles Marshall
A short but instructive selection from the Journal of Charles Marshall, in which he describes his progressive experience of the light of Jesus Christ, both as judge and teacher, and also uncovers the several snares and temptations of the enemy that he met with and overcame along the way.
ListenSelection from the Journal of John Burnyeat
John Burnyeat
A selection from the Journal and Letters of John Burnyeat, showing how the Lord prepared him for his extensive work in the ministry and sent him forth in the power of the Spirit to preach the gospel in England, Ireland, Barbados, and the American Colonies.
ListenSelection from the Journal of John Richardson
John Richardson
A selection from the journal of that servant of Jesus Christ, John Richardson, giving a relation of his trials and exercises in his youth, his remarkable spiritual experiences, and his first services in the work of the Ministry.
ListenSelection from the Life of Joseph Pike
Joseph Pike
A selection from the journal and writings of Joseph Pike, giving an account of his spiritual travels and the various exercises of soul that he passed through and experienced in the way of regeneration.
ListenTruth in the Inward Parts — Vol. I
This book contains the autobiographical accounts of ten men and women who experienced the transforming power of “Truth in the inward parts.” (Psalm 51:6)
ListenSelection from the Life of John Crook
John Crook
A selection from the journal and writings of John Crook, relating his thirst after holiness in his younger years, his convincement of and growth in the truth, and some of his ministerial labors in the early Society of Friends.
ListenA Letter of Elizabeth Webb
Elizabeth Webb
A letter from Elizabeth Webb written to Anthony William Boehm (chaplain to Prince George of Denmark), in which she describes her own spiritual journey, and her experience of the Lord’s judgments and mercies as she gave up resolutely to follow Him.
ListenWaiting Upon the Lord
Robert Barclay
This treatise is a carefully modernized edition of the eleventh proposition of Robert Barclay’s “Apology for the True Christian Divinity”, showing the necessity and benefit of waiting upon the Lord for ability to worship, pray, and minister acceptably.
ListenThe Writings of Isaac Penington — Vol. II
Isaac Penington
Volume Two of The Writings of Isaac Penington, a conscientiously abridged, and slightly modernized and annotated edition of his four volume complete works (which can also be found on this site.)
ListenThe Writings of Isaac Penington — Vol. I
Isaac Penington
Volume One of The Writings of Isaac Penington, a conscientiously abridged, and slightly modernized and annotated edition of his four volume complete works (which can also be found on this site.)