Although raised by sober and godly parents, after the death of her mother, Ruth Follows (1718-1809) “fell largely into vanity,” frequenting such company as she later said was likely to have proved her ruin, had not the Lord followed her closely with His judgments and reproofs. As she was brought near unto the Lord, and made to love His chastisements, she was rewarded with His sweet presence and peace, and near the thirtieth year of her age she felt a necessity laid upon her to bear a public testimony to His name and goodness. Though at first she felt very unwilling “to be counted a fool or a gazing-stock to the world,” she eventually yielded to the Lord’s requirings, and was frequently made to part with her husband and children for the work of the ministry, visiting England, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland, and laboring faithfully among a largely backslidden church.

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Journal of Ruth Follows
Friends Library Publishing

Journal of Ruth Follows

Ruth Follows

Journal of Ruth Follows

by: Ruth Follows

Although raised by sober and godly parents, after the death of her mother, Ruth Follows (1718-1809) “fell largely into vanity,” frequenting such company as she later said was likely to have proved her ruin, had not the Lord followed her closely with His judgments and reproofs. As she was brought near unto the Lord, and made to love His chastisements, she was rewarded with His sweet presence and peace, and near the thirtieth year of her age she felt a necessity laid upon her to bear a public testimony to His name and goodness. Though at first she felt very unwilling “to be counted a fool or a gazing-stock to the world,” she eventually yielded to the Lord’s requirings, and was frequently made to part with her husband and children for the work of the ministry, visiting England, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland, and laboring faithfully among a largely backslidden church. (Original title: Memoirs of Ruth Follows Late of Castle Donnington, Leicestershire; For Sixty Years a Minister in the Society of Friends: With Extracts From Her Letters.)

  • Ruth Follows
  • updated Edition
  • 4.2 x 6.9 x 0.36 in
  • 10 chapters
  • 161 pages
  • Language: English

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