William Lewis (1753 – 1816) was convinced of the truth as a young man and made a sincere resolution to pick up his cross and follow Christ. But when the light that had sweetly visited him, later allured him into the wilderness to show him his own heart, he said, “the painful conviction quickly ensued of being wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.” And because the Seed of life was not yet sufficiently rooted in his heart so as to enable him to patiently endure tribulation, he sadly drew back for some years, and sought comfort and distraction in lying vanities. But at the age of thirty-six, he was visited with a severe illness and left to his own thoughts and reflections about his course. He then saw that there was no hope of finding peace except by turning with all of his heart unto Him against whom he had so deeply revolted.

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Selection from the Life of William Lewis
Friends Library Publishing

Selection from the Life of William Lewis

William Lewis

Selection from the Life of William Lewis

by: William Lewis

William Lewis (1753 – 1816) was convinced of the truth as a young man and made a sincere resolution to pick up his cross and follow Christ. But when the light that had sweetly visited him, later allured him into the wilderness to show him his own heart, he said, “the painful conviction quickly ensued of being wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.” And because the Seed of life was not yet sufficiently rooted in his heart so as to enable him to patiently endure tribulation, he sadly drew back for some years, and sought comfort and distraction in lying vanities. But at the age of thirty-six, he was visited with a severe illness and left to his own thoughts and reflections about his course. He then saw that there was no hope of finding peace except by turning with all of his heart unto Him against whom he had so deeply revolted. (Original title: Memoirs of the Life and Religious Experience of William Lewis; to Which are Added Extracts from His Letters)

  • William Lewis
  • updated Edition
  • 4.2 x 6.9 x 0.13 in
  • 1 chapter
  • 58 pages
  • Language: English
  • Spanish Version

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