Ann Branson (1808-1891) was one of the very last, true ministers (having been prepared, called, and used of the Lord) in a greatly reduced and sadly degenerate Society. Her deepest cry to the Lord, from the days of her childhood, was that “His eye would not pity, nor His hand spare” till He had thoroughly cleansed her heart, and made her a useful vessel in His house. Humbling herself before God and men, she was exalted by the Lord as a powerful and prophetic minister, one of the few in her day who stood in the purity and power of the original Quakers, even while all around her the 200 year old lampstand of the Society of Friends slowly and tragically burned out.

Friends Library Publishing exists to freely share the writings of early members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), believing that no other collection of Christian writings more accurately communicates or powerfully illustrates the soul-transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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The Journal of Ann Branson
Friends Library Publishing

The Journal of Ann Branson

Ann Branson

The Journal of Ann Branson

by: Ann Branson

Ann Branson (1808-1891) was one of the very last, true ministers (having been prepared, called, and used of the Lord) in a greatly reduced and sadly degenerate Society. Her deepest cry to the Lord, from the days of her childhood, was that “His eye would not pity, nor His hand spare” till He had thoroughly cleansed her heart, and made her a useful vessel in His house. Humbling herself before God and men, she was exalted by the Lord as a powerful and prophetic minister, one of the few in her day who stood in the purity and power of the original Quakers, even while all around her the 200 year old lampstand of the Society of Friends slowly and tragically burned out.

  • Ann Branson
  • modernized Edition
  • 5.5 x 8.5 x 0.83 in
  • 14 chapters
  • 367 pages
  • Language: English

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