As a young woman, Anne Camm (1627-1705) connected herself with the Puritans, from an apprehension that they were the most pious and consistent among the professors of Christianity. But being desirous of finding a more perfect way, she joined herself to a company of sincere seekers, some of whom were convinced by the powerful preaching of George Fox, at Fairbank Chapel, in the year 1652. Coming thereby to more fully understand and experience that baptism which is with the Holy Spirit and fire, Anne and her husband Thomas (1641-1707) became valuable laborers in the Lord’s vineyard, freely sacrificing their time and substance, the comforts of home and each other’s company, and enduring many hardships and bitter sufferings for their testimony to the Truth.

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The Life of Anne and Thomas Camm
Friends Library Publishing

The Life of Anne and Thomas Camm

Anne Camm

The Life of Anne and Thomas Camm

by: Anne Camm

As a young woman, Anne Camm (1627-1705) connected herself with the Puritans, from an apprehension that they were the most pious and consistent among the professors of Christianity. But being desirous of finding a more perfect way, she joined herself to a company of sincere seekers, some of whom were convinced by the powerful preaching of George Fox, at Fairbank Chapel, in the year 1652. Coming thereby to more fully understand and experience that baptism which is with the Holy Spirit and fire, Anne and her husband Thomas (1641-1707) became valuable laborers in the Lord’s vineyard, freely sacrificing their time and substance, the comforts of home and each other’s company, and enduring many hardships and bitter sufferings for their testimony to the Truth. (Original title: A Short Account of the Life of Anne Camm, A Minister of the Gospel, In the Society of Friends.)

  • Anne Camm
  • modernized Edition
  • 4.2 x 6.9 x 0.088 in
  • 2 chapters
  • 39 pages
  • Language: English

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