George Whitehead (1636-1723) was one of the most well-known and influential ministers among the early Society of Friends. He was convinced of the Truth when only 17 years old, and through faithfulness grew quickly in the life and power of Christ. In his services for the gospel he was frequently abused and persecuted by unreasonable and wicked men. He was imprisoned many times and once publicly whipped for his testimony to the Truth, but through all he clung to the cross, and became a pillar and elder in the church of God, constantly laboring for the advancement of Truth and many times appearing before kings and magistrates to plead the cause of his persecuted brethren.

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Selection from the Journal of George Whitehead
Friends Library Publishing

Selection from the Journal of George Whitehead

George Whitehead

Selection from the Journal of George Whitehead

by: George Whitehead

George Whitehead (1636-1723) was one of the most well-known and influential ministers among the early Society of Friends. He was convinced of the Truth when only 17 years old, and through faithfulness grew quickly in the life and power of Christ. In his services for the gospel he was frequently abused and persecuted by unreasonable and wicked men. He was imprisoned many times and once publicly whipped for his testimony to the Truth, but through all he clung to the cross, and became a pillar and elder in the church of God, constantly laboring for the advancement of Truth and many times appearing before kings and magistrates to plead the cause of his persecuted brethren.

  • George Whitehead
  • updated Edition
  • 4.2 x 6.9 x 0.14 in
  • 1 chapter
  • 61 pages
  • Language: English
  • Spanish Version

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Friends Library Publishing

The Journal of George Whitehead

George Whitehead

The Journal of George WhiteheadGeorge Whitehead

The Journal of George Whitehead, relating his pursuit of the living God from a child, his growth in grace and usefulness to the church, and his many appearances before kings and magistrates to plead the cause of his persecuted brethren.