This short publication of William Smith, written during his imprisonment in Nottingham County Jail in the year 1663, presents a summary of many of the fundamental principles of early Friends in the form of a catechism, or a series of questions and answers. Among others important subjects, Smith clearly explains the nature and work of the light of Christ in man, the usefulness of the law in condemning the transgressing nature, man’s role in receiving and not resisting the power of God, and the dangers that believers frequently encounter in their time of “growth and travail.”

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A New Catechism
Friends Library Publishing

A New Catechism

William Smith

A New Catechism

by: William Smith

This short publication of William Smith, written during his imprisonment in Nottingham County Jail in the year 1663, presents a summary of many of the fundamental principles of early Friends in the form of a catechism, or a series of questions and answers. Among others important subjects, Smith clearly explains the nature and work of the light of Christ in man, the usefulness of the law in condemning the transgressing nature, man’s role in receiving and not resisting the power of God, and the dangers that believers frequently encounter in their time of “growth and travail.” (Original title: A New Catechism, wherein many Truths are plainly opened by way of Question and Answer, which may be a help and furtherance unto all tender-hearted people, who are breathing after the Lord, and waiting for Redemption and Salvation by Jesus Christ.)

  • William Smith
  • updated Edition
  • 4.2 x 6.9 x 0.11 in
  • 1 chapter
  • 49 pages
  • Language: English

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