Samuel Rundell (1762 - 1848) was a wool-dealer who lived in Liskeard, a small town in southwest England. When young he befriended that worthy elder and “mother in Israel” Catherine Payton (Phillips), whose wisdom and piety no doubt made lasting impressions upon him. As a minister and author, Rundell was particularly concerned to press the necessity of a real and living experience of inward purification by an unreserved obedience to the light or Spirit of Christ working in the heart. Having witnessed its effectual operation in his own soul, he greatly desired to see this scriptural doctrine both upheld amongst his fellow Quakers and more widely known among sincere Christians of every denomination.

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The Work of Vital Religion in the Soul
Friends Library Publishing

The Work of Vital Religion in the Soul

Samuel Rundell

The Work of Vital Religion in the Soul

by: Samuel Rundell

Samuel Rundell (1762 - 1848) was a wool-dealer who lived in Liskeard, a small town in southwest England. When young he befriended that worthy elder and “mother in Israel” Catherine Payton (Phillips), whose wisdom and piety no doubt made lasting impressions upon him. As a minister and author, Rundell was particularly concerned to press the necessity of a real and living experience of inward purification by an unreserved obedience to the light or Spirit of Christ working in the heart. Having witnessed its effectual operation in his own soul, he greatly desired to see this scriptural doctrine both upheld amongst his fellow Quakers and more widely known among sincere Christians of every denomination. (Original title: Observations on the Commencement and Progress of the Work of Vital Religion in the Soul; on Divine Worship; and on the Partaking of the Flesh and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ)

  • Samuel Rundell
  • updated Edition
  • 4.2 x 6.9 x 0.20 in
  • 6 chapters
  • 89 pages
  • Language: English
  • Spanish Version

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