Friends Library Publishing exists to freely share the writings of early members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), believing that no other collection of Christian writings more accurately communicates or powerfully illustrates the soul-transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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The Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington

Friends Library Publishing exists to freely share the writings of early members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), believing that no other collection of Christian writings more accurately communicates or powerfully illustrates the soul-transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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The Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington
The Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington — Volume III
by: Isaac Penington
Isaac Penington (1616-1679) was the son of a prominent English politician, and the father-in-law of William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania. Though born into a family of wealth and reputation, Penington’s heart was set upon things above from his earliest days. Even as a child, he recognized that the religion of his day stood in the will and understanding of man, in outward practices, duties, and scriptural truths that were professed but not truly possessed. Motivated by an insatiable hunger for truth, he sought the Lord with all his heart and was shown a Christianity that stood in, and flowed out from, the light and life of Jesus Christ reigning in the inner man. The Works of Isaac Penington (in four volumes) available through Friends Library Publishing are his unabridged works, which have not been edited, with the exception of some modernization of archaic words and spellings.
- Isaac Penington
- original Edition
- 6 x 9 x 1.2 in
- 15 chapters
- 553 pages
- Language: English
- Isaac Penington
- original Edition
- 6 x 9 x 1.2 in
- 15 chapters
- 553 pages
- Language: English
Other Books by this Author
The Writings of Isaac Penington
Volume One of The Writings of Isaac Penington, a conscientiously abridged, and slightly modernized and annotated edition of his four volume complete works (which can also be found on this site.)
The Writings of Isaac Penington
Volume Two of The Writings of Isaac Penington, a conscientiously abridged, and slightly modernized and annotated edition of his four volume complete works (which can also be found on this site.)
The Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington
Volume One of the Complete Works of Isaac Penington. This edition not not been abridged, edited, or annotated, but is a reproduction of the original work first published in 1681, then again in 1761, 1794, 1863, and lately transcribed and reprinted by Quaker Heritage Press.
The Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington
Volume Two of the Complete Works of Isaac Penington. This edition not not been abridged, edited, or annotated, but is a reproduction of the original work first published in 1681, then again in 1761, 1794, 1863, and lately transcribed and reprinted by Quaker Heritage Press.
The Unabridged Works of Isaac Penington
Volume Four of the Complete Works of Isaac Penington. This edition not not been abridged, edited, or annotated, but is a reproduction of the original work first published in 1681, then again in 1761, 1794, 1863, and lately transcribed and reprinted by Quaker Heritage Press.
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