Francis Howgill

Francis Howgill

Francis Howgill (1618-1669), received a university education to become a minister in the Episcopal church. However, being dissatisfied with the superstition which he saw remaining in it, he soon left it, joining himself to the Independents, and then to the Anabaptists, desperately seeking the true spiritual life that his soul thirsted after. At length, being mightily affected by the ministry of George Fox, he joined the persecuted society called Quakers, among whom he became a widely respected member and evangelist. He died in prison for his testimony to the truth, leaving behind many influential books and letters.

I have sought the way of the Lord from a child, and lived innocently as among men; and if any inquire concerning my latter end, let them know that I die in the faith in which I lived, and suffered for.

- Francis Howgill

Books by Francis Howgill

Selection from the Life of Francis Howgill
Friends Library Publishing

Selection from the Life of Francis Howgill

Francis Howgill

Selection from the Life of Francis Howgill

A selection from the writings of Francis Howgill, containing an autobiographical account of his spiritual awakening in early life, a transcript of his trial when prosecuted for refusing to swear, and a precious letter written from prison to his oldest daughter Abigail.

  • 58 pages
  • journal, letters
  • Audio Book
Some of the Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Declared
Friends Library Publishing

Some of the Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Declared

As they have been Revealed
by the Spirit through Faith

Francis Howgill

Some of the Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Declared

A short treatise written by Francis Howgill, describing the nature of the Day of the Lord, the effect of its dawning in the heart, and the necessity of our perfect surrender to the discoveries of Truth as they come to be seen in the light.

  • 87 pages
  • treatise, exhortation
  • Audio Book
The Life of Francis Howgill
Friends Library Publishing

The Life of Francis Howgill

Francis Howgill

The Life of Francis Howgill

Selections from the writings of Francis Howgill, collected and published by James Backhouse in 1828, containing a biographical sketch of his life and ministry, a collection of his letters, papers, and writings, and lengthy selections from two of his most valuable books.

  • 167 pages
  • journal, treatise, letters
Map of U.K.

“And though his blood does cry out for vengeance, yet he could say ‘the Lord forgive all my persecutors;’ for having the mind of Christ, he desired the good of all, yes even the worst of his enemies, and in that desire for the good of all he did labor and travail, seeking their good and their eternal welfare in the inheritance of life.”

George Fox