Christopher Story

Christopher Story

Christopher Story (1648-1720) was inclined to piety from his youth. But when the Lord was pleased to open his understanding, he saw that his former religious building must be entirely thrown down, having not been built upon the true foundation. Being awakened to see something of the “exceeding sinfulness” of sin, he willingly bowed under the yoke of Christ, took up his daily cross, and thereby became a disciple and follower of Him. In time, he was endued with a large gift in the ministry which, though simple, was powerful and edifying, and was said to “often fall upon the people of God like a sweet shower upon the tender grass.”

Books by Christopher Story

Life of Christopher Story
Friends Library Publishing

Life of Christopher Story

Christopher Story

Life of Christopher Story

The journal of the life of Christopher Story, containing several epistles to the church, letters to friends and family, and a supplement describing his final services in the church, his last illness, and decease.

  • 119 pages
  • journal
Map of U.K.