Sarah Grubb

Sarah Grubb

Sarah R. Grubb (1756-1790) was a woman of extraordinary natural abilities, strength of judgment, and clearness of discernment. Being favoured with a visitation of heavenly love when young, she submitted to Christ’s refining fire and was brought into that passive condition wherein the vessels in the Lord’s house are formed and fitted for usefulness. Having been early prepared for service, she came forth as a public minister about the twenty-third year of her age. Some years later, she and her husband founded a girls school in Clonmel, Ireland, where she lived and ministered until her death in 1790, at only 34 years of age.

Thus fell a valiant in the church militant, whose endowments and dedication are equalled by few of the present generation, and to whose memory, I believe, as general a tribute of tears has been paid, as to any person with whom I was ever acquainted.

- George Dillwyn (upon the death of Sarah Grubb)

Books by Sarah Grubb

The Life and Letters of Sarah Grubb
Friends Library Publishing

The Life and Letters of Sarah Grubb

Sarah Grubb

The Life and Letters of Sarah Grubb

A journal of the life and religious travels of Sarah Grubb, including numerous extracts from her letters, along with a short treatise on Christian Discipline in the education of youth.

  • 316 pages
  • journal
Map of U.K.

Related Books

Friends Library Publishing

The Journal and Letters of Mary Dudley

Mary Dudley

The Journal and Letters of Mary DudleyMary Dudley

Mary Dudley was the beloved traveling companion of Sarah Grubb, with whom she “often mingled sighs and tears,” during a lengthy ministry trip through parts of Holland, Germany, and France.

Friends Library Publishing

The Life and Letters of Rebecca Jones

Rebecca Jones

The Life and Letters of Rebecca JonesRebecca Jones

During a lengthy ministry trip to Great Britain, Rebecca Jones spent many weeks traveling and ministering with Sarah Grubb, many details of which she relates in her journal. The two became cemented in a deep bond of friendship and kept up a correspondence that lasted until Sarah’s death.