Mary Dudley

Mary Dudley

Mary Dudley (1750-1823) was a seeker of truth and righteousness from her earliest days. When around 20 years old, she joined the Methodists for two or three years, and was much esteemed by John Wesley for her humble devotion and pious example. Before long, however, she began to feel that their active and outward zeal was not compatible with the spiritual poverty she felt in herself, and the great need she had seen for total dependence upon the Spirit of God for all true worship and ministry. Finding a home among the Quakers, she grew to become a powerful minister and a “mother in Israel,” traveling often, and pointing many hearts to the covenant of light and life in Jesus Christ.

His name was called Jesus, because He should save His people from their sins, not in them; so that, notwithstanding all that Christ Jesus has done and suffered for us, and that His love is offered to us universally, we really know Him not as a Savior and Redeemer, but in proportion as we are saved by Him from that evil seed which leads into transgression.

- Mary Dudley

Books by Mary Dudley

The Journal and Letters of Mary Dudley
Friends Library Publishing

The Journal and Letters of Mary Dudley

Mary Dudley

The Journal and Letters of Mary Dudley

A journal of the life of Mary Dudley, including a relation of her many services in the work of the gospel, extracts from her letters, and an account of the last illness and death of her daughter Hannah.

  • 296 pages
  • journal, letters
  • Audio Book
Map of U.K.

Related Books

Friends Library Publishing

The Journal of Thomas Scattergood

Thomas Scattergood

The Journal of Thomas ScattergoodThomas Scattergood

Though not mentioned in her journal, Thomas Scattergood was an intimate friend and frequent companion of Mary Dudley during his six years of ministerial labor in Europe. Scattergood’s journal contains several letters from Mary, and frequently mentions being encouraged by her words and assisted by her sympathy in his uncommon trials.