Thomas Scattergood (1748 - 1814) was a minister in the Society of Friends who knew what it meant to be “in deaths often,” to be “hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; perplexed but not in despair.” But his many seasons of conflict and suffering were clearly made a blessing to him, both as a means of personal preservation from the snares of the enemy, and of preparing him to minister in remarkable power and authority in the presence of large assemblies. Few persons, it is believed, were preserved more steadily in a state of inward watchfulness and retirement of spirit, waiting upon the Lord. And few were enabled to see more clearly, or to minister more pertinently to the states of meetings and individuals. Though he always maintained a low opinion of himself, and spoke rarely and diffidently of the fruits of his ministry, all who knew him heartily testified to the baptizing and convincing power of his gospel labors.

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The Journal of Thomas Scattergood
Friends Library Publishing

The Journal of Thomas Scattergood

Thomas Scattergood

The Journal of Thomas Scattergood

by: Thomas Scattergood

Thomas Scattergood (1748 - 1814) was a minister in the Society of Friends who knew what it meant to be “in deaths often,” to be “hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; perplexed but not in despair.” But his many seasons of conflict and suffering were clearly made a blessing to him, both as a means of personal preservation from the snares of the enemy, and of preparing him to minister in remarkable power and authority in the presence of large assemblies. Few persons, it is believed, were preserved more steadily in a state of inward watchfulness and retirement of spirit, waiting upon the Lord. And few were enabled to see more clearly, or to minister more pertinently to the states of meetings and individuals. Though he always maintained a low opinion of himself, and spoke rarely and diffidently of the fruits of his ministry, all who knew him heartily testified to the baptizing and convincing power of his gospel labors. (Original title: Memoirs of the Life and Religious Labors of Thomas Scattergood, A Minister of the Gospel in the Society of Friends.)

  • Thomas Scattergood
  • modernized Edition
  • 6 x 9 x 1.1 in
  • 13 chapters
  • 498 pages
  • Language: English

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