Edward Burrough

Edward Burrough

Edward Burrough (1634–1663) was one of the most well-known and influential ministers in the early Society of Friends. Though he kept no journal of his life, the multitude of his published writings and printed epistles to Friends, and the many well-known anecdotes of his powerful ministry, have made him one of the most familiar names among early Quakers. Bold, ardent, and devoted in pursuing the path of Christian duty, he was clothed with a dignity and divine authority that made him a terror to evil-doers, while the meekness and gentleness of Christ softened and adorned his whole character, and qualified him to administer divine consolation to the afflicted and weary. Burrough devoted the prime and strength of his short twenty-nine years to the service of his Lord, laboring night and day for the good of souls and the spread of Truth, crowding into the narrow compass of a few years, a greater amount of gospel labor than is often accomplished in a protracted life.

Books by Edward Burrough

The Life of Edward Burrough
Friends Library Publishing

The Life of Edward Burrough

Edward Burrough

The Life of Edward Burrough

A biographical account of the life and gospel labors of Edward Burrough, containing a large collection of personal letters (to people like Margaret Fell, Francis Howgill, and Oliver Cromwell), epistles to the churches, and excerpts from many of his treatises, doctrinal works, and published debates with some who opposed the early society.

  • 304 pages
  • journal
Map of U.K.