Catherine Payton (1727-1794 — also known by her married name, Catherine Phillips) was an eminently gifted minister in the Society of Friends, who traveled almost continually for forty years in the service of Truth throughout England, Ireland, and North America. Her journal and letters clearly demonstrate a life entirely surrendered to the cross of Christ, a mind supplied with wisdom and utterance from on high, and a heart filled with love for God and for mankind.

Friends Library Publishing exists to freely share the writings of early members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), believing that no other collection of Christian writings more accurately communicates or powerfully illustrates the soul-transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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The Life and Letters of Catherine Payton
Friends Library Publishing

The Life and Letters of Catherine Payton

Catherine Payton

The Life and Letters of Catherine Payton

by: Catherine Payton

Catherine Payton (1727-1794 — also known by her married name, Catherine Phillips) was an eminently gifted minister in the Society of Friends, who traveled almost continually for forty years in the service of Truth throughout England, Ireland, and North America. Her journal and letters clearly demonstrate a life entirely surrendered to the cross of Christ, a mind supplied with wisdom and utterance from on high, and a heart filled with love for God and for mankind. (Original title: Memoirs of the Life of Catherine Phillips: To Which are Added Some of Her Epistles)

  • Catherine Payton
  • modernized Edition
  • 5.5 x 8.5 x 0.63 in
  • 10 chapters
  • 278 pages
  • Language: English

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