Thomas Shillitoe

Thomas Shillitoe

Thomas Shillitoe (1754-1836) was a man who knew the voice of the Good Shepherd, and followed it unreservedly through even the most trying and perplexing circumstances. For many years, he traveled as a minister (often on foot) all over Great Britain, Europe, Russia, and America, carefully minding all that his Master required of him, whether it involved attending to the most basic needs of the poor and distressed, or meeting with kings, princes, and heads of state. In 1826, he left England for the United States, where he spent several years laboring to uphold the original principles and practices of Friends against the erroneous doctrines and disorderly conduct of Elias Hicks and his adherents.

There is a nice book in the bookcase that I know would interest you, ‘The Life of Thomas Shillitoe,’ who was a poor shoemaker, but a faithful minister of the Gospel, who out of much weakness (naturally) was made strong in his Lord, to go through many dangers and labours, and out of a very timid, fearful disposition was made bold as a lion, to stand before kings and princes and the fiercest looking of men.

- Lydia Barclay

Books by Thomas Shillitoe

Journal of Thomas Shillitoe
Friends Library Publishing

Journal of Thomas Shillitoe

Thomas Shillitoe

Journal of Thomas Shillitoe

A journal of the life, labors, and travels of Thomas Shillitoe in the service of the gospel, giving an account of his extensive travels in Europe and America in the work of the ministry, his relentless adherence to the light of Christ, and his arduous struggle against the unsound principles of Elias Hicks.

  • 922 pages(2 vol)
  • journal
Map of U.K.

“What a journal is Thomas Shillitoe’s! I never found in any one more of attention to Divine guidance in all things, and always; nor more plentiful, blessed results and precious fruit, from being wholly given up to the Lord in body, soul, and spirit; through all perplexity, trouble, and sore exercise of faith and patience. How unspeakably glorious must be the crown he now inherits forever and ever, after bearing his cross so faithfully to the end of time!”

Sarah L. Grubb

Related Books

Friends Library Publishing

The Journal of Daniel Wheeler

Daniel Wheeler

The Journal of Daniel WheelerDaniel Wheeler

In 1824, Thomas Shillitoe went to St. Petersburg, Russia, and frequently attended the small meeting held in the home of his beloved friend Daniel Wheeler. After spending several months in the city, he and Daniel Wheeler traveled together by land some 1600 miles to Rotterdam, Holland.