Daniel Wheeler

Daniel Wheeler

The life of Daniel Wheeler (1771-1840) is a monument to the heart purifying power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Left an orphan at a very young age, Wheeler was placed by a friend of the family as an apprentice on a sailing vessel where, along with learning sailing and navigation, he became acquainted with every form of vice and immorality. After six years in the navy, and another seven years in the army, the Lord made use of a hurricane at sea to awaken him to his lost condition. Being mercifully enabled to repent, and also to see the “entire spirituality of the Gospel dispensation,” he soon left the army and joined the Society of Friends in London. His growth in grace was quick and steady, and after some years he became a minister of great esteem. When Emperor Alexander I of Russia requested the assistance of a Quaker farmer from England, Wheeler moved his family to near St. Petersburg, where they lived for a number of lonely but heart-purifying years. Afterwards, he was led by the Lord to preach the gospel of Christ in a multitude of islands in the South Pacific Ocean.

We found [Daniel Wheeler’s] conversation truly edifying and interesting. He was all resignation under his trials… That which dropped from his own lips was heart-tendering, and abundantly satisfying. Oh! the dear servant of the Lord! He is as humble as a child; while capable of ascribing glory, and power, and dominion to the Lord God, and the Lamb that sitteth upon the throne.

- Sarah Lynes Grubb

Books by Daniel Wheeler

The Journal of Daniel Wheeler
Friends Library Publishing

The Journal of Daniel Wheeler

Daniel Wheeler

The Journal of Daniel Wheeler

The inspiring journal of Daniel Wheeler, relating his conversion and rapid growth in the truth, his fourteen trying years in St. Petersburg, Russia, and his subsequent missionary journeys to various of islands in Pacific Ocean.

  • 686 pages
  • journal
Map of Europe.

“Daniel Wheeler had an excellent communication, in the course of which he said, ‘I have left all that is nearest and dearest to me in this world, to come among you, and willingly would I travel from east to west, and from north to south, old and gray-headed as I am, if I might be made instrumental in turning any of my fellow-mortals to the love of God.’”

Rebecca Hubbs

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