Joseph Pike
Joseph Pike
Joseph Pike (1657-1729) was convinced of the truth through the powerful preaching of William Edmundson, and grew to become a wise and faithful elder in the Society of Friends in Ireland. In his old age he wrote an account of his early years, spiritual struggles, and growth in the truth, chiefly for the benefit of his own children. In this short but valuable history, he relates (in helpful detail) the Lord’s dealings to Him, first as a judge, then as a refiner of silver, and eventually as the comforter and strengthener of Zion.
‘That which may be known of God, is manifest within man.’ It is there that Christ teaches His people Himself. The more we keep inward to this school, the more we learn of Christ. The less we keep inward, even when involved in lawful things, the less we learn of Christ. Oh read, you that can read in the mystery of life! There is no safety, no preservation, no growing in the Truth, but in true humility, keeping inward to the gift of the Holy Spirit of Christ, continually watching in the light against the temptations of the enemy.
- Joseph Pike
Books by Joseph Pike
Selection from the Life of Joseph Pike
Selection from the Life of Joseph Pike
A selection from the journal and writings of Joseph Pike, giving an account of his spiritual travels and the various exercises of soul that he passed through and experienced in the way of regeneration.
- 31 pages
- journal
- Audio Book
Related Books
The Life and Letters of Deborah Bell
Towards the end of his life, Joseph Pike maintained an ongoing written correspondence with Deborah Bell, finding in her one who rightly discerned the condition of the church, and shared his burden to see all believers walk in a way that adorned the gospel of Christ.