Mary Ann Kelty

Mary Ann Kelty

Mary Ann Kelty (1789-1873) was a teacher and author in England who appears to have discovered the writings of early Friends later in her life. Though she plainly shows herself to be in perfect accord with the principles and practices of the primitive Quakers, she lived in a time of great declension from the original purity and power in the Society, and probably for that reason, never formally joined with them in membership (though she is said to have frequently attended the Friends’ meeting house at Peckham). Her book “The Lives and Persecutions of the Primitive Quakers” is a very well-written, short history of the early Society of Friends, highlighting the most noteworthy figures and remarkable events of that time.

Permit the word of exhortation, upon a point wherein it seems to me you are in some danger—it is that of mixing up the pure, distinct, interior principle of faith in the gift of God, as an invisible and spiritual thing, only to be known, apprehended, believed in, felt, and obeyed, by the inward senses of the new-born creature—I say, it is to be feared, that you mix and confound this precious, living thing, with the notional, historical knowledge, which is to be picked up from the letter that describes it.

- Mary Ann Kelty

Books by Mary Ann Kelty

Gentle Gertrude
Friends Library Publishing

Gentle Gertrude

A Tale for Youth

Mary Ann Kelty

Gentle Gertrude

The fictional account of Gentle Gertrude, a little orphan girl, whose experiences in the Allen family offer a penetrating look into the human heart, and demonstrate the timeless truth of Solomons’ words, “The commandment is a lamp, and the law a light; reproofs of instruction are the way of life.”

  • 169 pages
  • spiritual life
Mamma and Mary
Friends Library Publishing

Mamma and Mary

Discoursing Upon
Good and Evil

Mary Ann Kelty

Mamma and Mary

A collection of six dialogues between a mother and her young daughter, exposing the root and tendency of sin in the heart of man, and offering practical advice for parents on how to turn their children from self to the light of Christ.

  • 61 pages
  • spiritual life
  • Audio Book
Friends Library Publishing


Mary Ann Kelty


A collection of short daily devotionals that are divided into 365 readings, each beginning with a quotation from Scripture, and followed by the deep and practical insights of a woman who was long acquainted with the work of Christ in the heart.

  • 373 pages
  • spiritual life, exhortation
The Lives and Persecutions of the Primitive Quakers
Friends Library Publishing

The Lives and Persecutions of the Primitive Quakers

Mary Ann Kelty

The Lives and Persecutions of the Primitive Quakers

A short history of the remarkable lives and relentless persecutions of the primitive Quakers, demonstrating their deep root in the life and substance of true Christianity, and their willingness to “spend and be spent” for the Truth as it is in Jesus.

  • 363 pages
  • history
Map of U.K.

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