John Roberts

John Roberts

John Roberts (1623-1684) was a man of piety, wisdom, and remarkable wit. He was convinced of the truth through the powerful ministry of Richard Farnsworth, while the latter was a prisoner at Banbury Jail, and through heartfelt submission to the truth became a respected minister in the Society of Friends, sometimes traveling with George Fox. The combination of John Roberts’ blunt honesty, profound understanding, and humorous way of disputing with his adversaries, has long made the memoir of his life (written by his youngest son, Daniel) a favorite among early Quaker writings.

As [my father] passed the market-place, the tie of his shoe slackened; and while he stooped down to fasten it, a man came behind him and struck him on the back a hard blow with a stone, saying, ‘There, take that for Jesus Christ’s sake!’ He answered, ‘So I do,’ not looking back to see who it was, but quietly going on his way.

- Daniel Roberts (son of John Roberts)

Books by John Roberts

The Life of John Roberts
Friends Library Publishing

The Life of John Roberts

John Roberts

The Life of John Roberts

An account of the life of John Roberts, written by his son Daniel Roberts, giving a relation of his persecutions for the sake of the gospel, and his compelling (and sometimes amusing) debates with opposers of the Truth.

  • 107 pages
  • journal
Map of U.K.