Joseph Pike (1657-1729) was convinced of the truth through the powerful preaching of William Edmundson, and grew to become a wise and faithful elder in the Society of Friends in Ireland. In his old age he wrote an account of his early years, spiritual struggles, and growth in the truth, chiefly for the benefit of his own children. In this short but valuable history, he relates (in helpful detail) the Lord’s dealings to Him, first as a judge, then as a refiner of silver, and eventually as the comforter and strengthener of Zion.

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Selection from the Life of Joseph Pike
Friends Library Publishing

Joseph Pike

Selection from the Life of Joseph Pike

by: Joseph Pike

Joseph Pike (1657-1729) was convinced of the truth through the powerful preaching of William Edmundson, and grew to become a wise and faithful elder in the Society of Friends in Ireland. In his old age he wrote an account of his early years, spiritual struggles, and growth in the truth, chiefly for the benefit of his own children. In this short but valuable history, he relates (in helpful detail) the Lord’s dealings to Him, first as a judge, then as a refiner of silver, and eventually as the comforter and strengthener of Zion.

  • Joseph Pike
  • updated Edition
  • 4.2 x 6.9 x 0.070 in
  • 1 chapter
  • 31 pages
  • Language: English
  • Spanish Version

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