Thomas Wilson (1654-1725) was an esteemed minister in the early Society of Friends, whose dedicated life manifested the “sweet savor of the knowledge of Christ in every place.” As a child, he gave up to follow the Lord out of the vanities of the world, and abiding faithfully under the cross, experienced its power “bringing forth judgment unto victory.” He became a powerful minister of the gospel (often the traveling companion of James Dickinson), whose preaching both pierced the hearts of the humble and confounded the minds of adversaries. His godly example in life, great humility, and self-denial greatly adorned his ministry, and he was made a watchful shepherd over the flock of Christ in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America.

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The Journal and Letters of Thomas Wilson
Friends Library Publishing

The Journal and Letters of Thomas Wilson

Thomas Wilson

The Journal and Letters of Thomas Wilson

by: Thomas Wilson

Thomas Wilson (1654-1725) was an esteemed minister in the early Society of Friends, whose dedicated life manifested the “sweet savor of the knowledge of Christ in every place.” As a child, he gave up to follow the Lord out of the vanities of the world, and abiding faithfully under the cross, experienced its power “bringing forth judgment unto victory.” He became a powerful minister of the gospel (often the traveling companion of James Dickinson), whose preaching both pierced the hearts of the humble and confounded the minds of adversaries. His godly example in life, great humility, and self-denial greatly adorned his ministry, and he was made a watchful shepherd over the flock of Christ in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America.

  • Thomas Wilson
  • modernized Edition
  • 4.2 x 6.9 x 0.29 in
  • 4 chapters
  • 127 pages
  • Language: English

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