Jane Hoskens (1693-1764) was born in London and strictly educated in the profession of the Church of England. Though she often “slighted the blessed reproofs of the Holy Spirit of Christ” in her early years, after a serious bout of sickness that brought her near unto death, she was awakened to her spiritual condition and made willing to dedicate herself to the Lord’s service. Feeling it required of her to leave England for Pennsylvania, she there became acquainted with the Society of Friends, and was soon convinced that true Christianity was a work of God that must begin in the heart, and there be carried on by an unconditional surrender to the power of divine grace.

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The Life of Jane Hoskens
Friends Library Publishing

The Life of Jane Hoskens

Jane Hoskens

The Life of Jane Hoskens

by: Jane Hoskens

Jane Hoskens (1693-1764) was born in London and strictly educated in the profession of the Church of England. Though she often “slighted the blessed reproofs of the Holy Spirit of Christ” in her early years, after a serious bout of sickness that brought her near unto death, she was awakened to her spiritual condition and made willing to dedicate herself to the Lord’s service. Feeling it required of her to leave England for Pennsylvania, she there became acquainted with the Society of Friends, and was soon convinced that true Christianity was a work of God that must begin in the heart, and there be carried on by an unconditional surrender to the power of divine grace. (Original title: The Life of That Faithful Servant of Christ, Jane Hoskens, A Minister of the Gospel, among the People Called Quakers.)

  • Jane Hoskens
  • modernized Edition
  • 4.2 x 6.9 x 0.13 in
  • 1 chapter
  • 57 pages
  • Language: English

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