Henry Hull (1765-1834) loved the Lord from a young age and desired to serve Him, but being diffident and shy by nature, was unwilling to give up to a call to the ministry until a voice sounded in the ear of his understanding, saying, “You are in great danger of being lost in your rebellion.” At that moment, Henry put his hand to the plow and never looked back, saying, “Lord, do what You will with me, come life or death, I will give up all for Your sake.” He travelled much in the ministry in different parts of the United States, Canada, Ireland, and England, and though he met with a severe trial in the loss of his wife, son, and mother to a malignant fever, he was nevertheless enabled to say, “Though He slay me, yet I will trust in Him. It is the Lord, let Him do what seems good to Him.”

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Journal of Henry Hull
Friends Library Publishing

Journal of Henry Hull

Henry Hull

Journal of Henry Hull

by: Henry Hull

Henry Hull (1765-1834) loved the Lord from a young age and desired to serve Him, but being diffident and shy by nature, was unwilling to give up to a call to the ministry until a voice sounded in the ear of his understanding, saying, “You are in great danger of being lost in your rebellion.” At that moment, Henry put his hand to the plow and never looked back, saying, “Lord, do what You will with me, come life or death, I will give up all for Your sake.” He travelled much in the ministry in different parts of the United States, Canada, Ireland, and England, and though he met with a severe trial in the loss of his wife, son, and mother to a malignant fever, he was nevertheless enabled to say, “Though He slay me, yet I will trust in Him. It is the Lord, let Him do what seems good to Him.”

  • Henry Hull
  • modernized Edition
  • 5.5 x 8.5 x 0.54 in
  • 2 chapters
  • 238 pages
  • Language: English

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