William Boen
William Boen
Like many of his brethren of the African race in those days, William Boen (1735-1824) was held as a slave from his birth, laboring for many years on a farm in Mount Holly, New Jersey. But though poor and uneducated in his early days, he was seen and cared for by the universal Parent of the human family, who taught him to follow the light of Jesus Christ as his “new master,” the inward guide and rule of his life. From a poor slave, Boen became a pious, sober, temperate, honest, and industrious man; and by this means obtained the friendship, esteem, and respect of all classes of his fellow-men, and the approbation and peace of his heavenly Father.
Books by William Boen
The Life of William Boen
The Life of William Boen
A short collection of anecdotes and memoirs of William Boen (1735-1824), a poor, uneducated slave who, by following the light of Jesus Christ, his “new Master,” became a godly, sober, and industrious man, whose life and conduct preached righteousness to many.
- 25 pages
- journal