Thomas Kite
Thomas Kite
Thomas Kite (1785-1845) lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and was a printer by trade. His early years, he says, “were exposed to the influence of bad example, and were marked by many follies,” yet the Lord followed him with the convictions of His Spirit and at last prevailed upon him to make a total surrender. As an adult he travelled much in the work of the ministry, often pressing the necessity of walking “in the old-fashioned way of the cross.” He was a shining example in his generation of both childlike humility and unflinching boldness, contending earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints, and remaining faithful to it during the troublesome times of the Hicksite and Gurneyite separations.
We were not sent into the world to amuse ourselves, nor to accumulate earthly treasures, nor to gratify our own wills, nor the will of others, but to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, and to stand devoted to the Lord’s cause in our day and generation.
- Thomas Kite
Books by Thomas Kite
The Life and Letters of Thomas Kite
The Life and Letters of Thomas Kite
The journal and letters of Thomas Kite, giving a relation of his growth in the truth, his steadfastness in contending for the original principals and practices of Friends, and his labors in the ministry during a time of trouble and declension in the Society.
- 388 pages
- journal