Rebecca Hubbs

Rebecca Hubbs

It is said of Rebecca Hubbs (1772-1852), that though she was not highly educated or gifted for literary conversation, and though she had a very humble view of herself in every way, yet her ministry savored richly of the power of the anointing, conveyed “not in the words which man’s wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches.” Indeed, she was a clear instance of the Lord’s power made perfect in weakness, and was used of the Lord in some remarkable ways, including a personal visit to president James Madison, to declare unto him the burden of word of the Lord that weighed heavily on her heart.

Set off for Woodbury, and called to see our aged friend Rebecca Hubbs; confined from the effects of paralysis. She is an extraordinary instance of the power of Divine grace, in preparing one of little knowledge, who has been faithful to its teachings, for usefulness in the church; and having received a gift in the ministry, enabling her at times to exercise it in an extraordinary manner.

- William Evans

Books by Rebecca Hubbs

Journal of Rebecca Hubbs
Friends Library Publishing

Journal of Rebecca Hubbs

Rebecca Hubbs

Journal of Rebecca Hubbs

A journal of the life of Rebecca Hubbs, showing how she was early awakened from the seductive vanities of time, willingly brought under the teaching and sanctifying power of grace, and made a worthy instrument in the Lord’s hand for the promotion of His kingdom.

  • 111 pages
  • journal
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