Joseph Hoag

Joseph Hoag

Joseph Hoag (1762-1846) was an honest and faithful minister in the Society of Friends at a time when multitudes were being drawn off the true foundation, both on the right hand and on the left. He stood firmly against the anti-christian innovations of Elias Hicks during the first great schism that the Society of Friends ever experienced. And some years later, he early detected and opposed the unsound views of Joseph John Gurney and his followers, believing (as it well proved) that adherence to these views would mean the eventual downfall of the society. In addition to having received a large gift in the ministry, Hoag was conspicuous for his prophetic giftings, whereby he was often enabled by the Lord to enter with great clearness into the particular state of both individuals and meetings. He also on some occasions received remarkable visions and dreams of things to come, not the least of which being his clear foresight of the coming civil war in America that would be fought between the northern and southern states.

Books by Joseph Hoag

The Journal of Joseph Hoag
Friends Library Publishing

The Journal of Joseph Hoag

Joseph Hoag

The Journal of Joseph Hoag

The journal of Joseph Hoag, an honest, faithful, and prophetically gifted minister in the Society of Friends who stood firmly for “the faith once delivered to the saints,” against the great tide of unsound principles and practices that overran the society in the first half of the nineteenth century.

  • 407 pages
  • journal
Map of U.S.