John Gough
John Gough
Like his older brother James, John Gough (1721-1791) was gifted with a keen intellect and so excelled in his studies that he became an assistant to a Friends school in Wiltshire when only sixteen years of age. As an adult he became master of boarding schools in Cork, Dublin, and Lisburn, but was also very active in the work of the ministry, both preaching and writing for the advancement of the gospel. In 1782, when sixty-one years of age, he commenced his four-volume History of the Society of Friends, which occupied him for eight years, and was published in 1790. This immense work gave a full, clear, and accurate portrayal of the history of Friends, adding valuable information to what had already been recorded in Sewel’s “History,” and continuing the history of this people until 1764.
I understand John Gough has lately had an alarming paralytic stroke, which nearly deprived him of the use of one side for some time; but was so far recovered as to be able to attend their late quarterly meeting near Charlemont, where he had very acceptable service, appearing with increasing brightness in his Master’s cause, who, I trust, will strengthen him every way for this fresh service. I love to see people so devoted, so dedicated, so set upon promoting the cause of Christ.
- Richard Shackleton
Books by John Gough
A History
of the Quakers
Vol. I
A History of the Quakers, Vol. I
Volume I of A History of the People Called Quakers, beginning with an overview of the various dispensations whereby God has revealed Himself to mankind, then giving an account the early ministry of George Fox and the rise of the Society of Friends to the year 1661.
- 388 pages
- history
A History
of the Quakers
Vol. II
A History of the Quakers, Vol. II
Volume II of A History of the People Called Quakers, covering the years from approximately 1661 to 1683, a period full of growth, life and power for the young Society of Friends, but also the time of its most intense persecution.
- 398 pages
- history
A History
of the Quakers
Vol. III
A History of the Quakers, Vol. III
Volume III of A History of the People Called Quakers, covering the time period between approximately 1682 and 1699, detailing the expansion of the Society of Friends in Ireland, the West Indies, colonial America, and the founding of Pennsylvania.
- 437 pages
- history
A History
of the Quakers
Vol. IV
A History of the Quakers, Vol. IV
Volume IV of A History of the People Called Quakers, covering the early decades of the 18th century including a number of passages pertaining to the growth and progress of Pennsylvania and ultimately ending with a brief account of the author’s death.
- 398 pages
- history